So the school year has started and I'm actually a week into it. Why am I telling you this? Well that means I will be taking Graphic Design II. Im lucky to be in this class and had to drop a few other classes to get into it with the way my schedule was. Only 3 schools in my area have this class, so I had to take it, as it will give me an advantage to anyone else trying to get into college for graphic design. We do some really cool projects throughout the year and I figured I may as well post them to DieboltDesigns and get a little feedback. We should be starting the first big project of the year this week so I will have another update soon detailing what I am doing and possibly even a preview as to what it will look like. When its finished I will definitely either scan the project or take a picture for everyone to see. I plan on doing an update for every project, so keep an eye out for my posts!
Lave a comment and let me know if you have any thoughts on this!